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Udana zasadzka na rosyjski konwój, cała akcja trwa 2 minuty i szybki odwrót.

https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t8yehx/this_is_how_actually_russian_columns_are_being/ Гори, сука, гори.


Fuck a fuel truck, the one with the trailer. This one? Yes. Go, go. Yeah.

Follow the fuel truck. Lower, lower. Lower, go, go. Kill this fucker. Lower, lower. Eat, bitch.

Next. Next, fast. Apc turns around. They are not turning, they are running. Yea it's burning. He's running. Shoot it. Shoot now. Fuck it. I'm waiting for the order to shoot. Shoot. Bitch. Something wrong with the rocket.

Load the next. Faster, now! Fast, fuck it. Take off the rocket, load the next one. They saw where we are. They saw a fuck. They think it's artillery. Burn, bitch, burn. Come on guys, faster.

Up, up. When you shoot turn it upper. Are you already fucking charged it? Come on. Come on. Done.

Why APC? Let's shoot a car. I think it's broken. Maybe he's shell-shocked.

Shoot. Up-up-up-up. Follow on it. He's fucked! Fucked. They shoot at the rocket. In our direction. But we are too far. It's fucked. Burn in hell bitch. Let them shoot. Remove the launcher. Does it burn? Yes. We are leaving!

#ukraina #wojna
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