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Cześć wykopki. Powinniśmy zrobić coś na miarę naszych możliwości i chociaż trochę krytykować wpisy BBC i innych portali nt złego traktowania czarnych i innych nieukraińskich narodowości przez polaków.
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Stop spreading anti-Polish propaganda! Slavs are not racists! Everyone at the border who is fleeing the war is treated the same! Blacks, Asians, Muslims, even fucking Russians who flee to Poland are not treated worse than the rest. We have an unwritten rule that women and children escape first, then men (I guess you haven't heard about it). Guys younger than those shown in the videos are fighting and dying for their homeland a few hundred kilometers away and "poor black" healthy men can't wait a few hours in a safe place for their turn? There is no separation of race or creed in the face of war. Pathetic.

Everyone on the Polish border is trying to help as much as they can. Civilians take Ukrainian families to their homes, feed them, try to help them feel safe and you spread such lies. Congratulations, you russian footwrap.
People who do not look like Slavs are controlled at border crossings so that there are no situations of illegal emigration to further Western countries.

Many people use the situation of open Polish-Ukrainian border to get into the EU (Germany, Belgium, France), for example, people who were on the Polish-Belarusian border a few months ago.

Meanwhile, this is how non-Ukrainians behave:
And this is the account of one of the people who helped people on the border (you have to use google translate):

#wojna #ukraina #rosja