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#nauka #biologia

Z takich ciekawostek przyrodniczych które nikogo nie obchodzą to napisałem maila do naukowca z tego znaleziska i na drugi dzień dostałem odpowiedź []

Dziwne to czasy, w których gdy masz zagwozdkę w sprawach naukowych, możesz wysłać zapytanie ze swojej piwnicy w Polsce albo innego Mozambiku i niemal natychmiast dostać odpowiedź od profesora z Massachussets (ʘʘ) Podoba się to dla mnie.

Treść zapytania:

From what i understand, DNA code carries general instructions for building an organism, and these newly discovered electrical signals help share the information between cells and they decide about the type of cell every one of them will become end where will they go and what will do. In flatworms these cells behave like this everytime you cut them and the organisms regenerate, but in humans it happens only in the womb (and during growth after birth i would guess?). AND after producing a worm with two heads it will keep producing the same result (two headed worm). So my question is - is it possible that addictions, eating disorders, money spending pattern, traumas etc., that are not proved to be genetically inherited by the offspring but are highly correlated with parents' behaviour - are transmitted by these electrical signals during formation in the brain? They emerged in parent's brain and were passed on to the offspring. There is only anecdotal evidence (or "common knowledge") that childrens of alcoholics are more in danger of becoming alcoholics themselves but no data points to that... Maybe this is the answer?

mampiecrakwszystkielewe - #nauka #biologia 

Z takich ciekawostek przyrodniczych kt...

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