Aktywne Wpisy
mateo2111 +119
Dlaczego nikt nie wymusza ograniczenia prędkości samochodów przez producentów? Po co w ogóle samochodom możliwość jazdy z prędkościami 200kmh+ nie licząc prądu wyjątków to maksymalna dopuszczalna prędkość na świecie to jakieś 150kmh. Przecież taka zmiana mocno zredukowała by ilość śmiertelnych wypadków tak jak na A1 jakby kierowcy mogli jechać maksymalnie te 160kmh
#wypadek #samochody
#wypadek #samochody
moll +232
Aktywne Znaleziska
Zawiera treści 18+
Ta treść została oznaczona jako materiał kontrowersyjny lub dla dorosłych.
chancel - prezbiterium [the part of a church containing the altar, where the priests and choir sit]
These seats were usually close to the chancel, and sometimes within it.
qualm - opory, skrupuły, wyrzuty sumienia [an uncomfortable feeling when you doubt if you are doing the right thing]
She had no qualms about lying to the police.
bedbug - pluskwa [a very small insect that lives mainly in beds and feeds by sucking people's blood]
Bedbugs prefer exposed skin, preferably the face, neck and arms of a sleeping person.
noxious - trujący, szkodliwy [formal; poisonous or harmful]
They died from inhaling noxious fumes.
crockery - zastawa porcelanowa [UK; old-fashioned; cups, plates, bowls, etc., used to serve food and drink, especially made of china]
The store sells gift items such as crockery and soaps.
to sneer - drwić, szydzić [to show that you have no respect for someone by the expression on your face or by the way you speak]
You may sneer, but a lot of people like this kind of music.
to disown - wyrzekać się, wypierać się [to make it known that you no longer have any connection with someone that you were closely connected with]
It's a story set in the last century about a girl whose parents disowned her when she married a foreigner.
brazen - bezczelny [(disapproving) open and without shame, usually about something that people find shocking]
She had become brazen about the whole affair.
stork - bocian
It reminded me of the fable of the stork inviting the fox to dinner.
to reap - zbierać plony, żąć [to cut and collect a grain crop; to obtain or receive something as a result of your own actions]
They didn’t reap any benefits from that deal.
to thrive - kwitnąć, prosperować [to grow, develop, or be successful]
His business thrived in the years before the war.
to budge - drgnąć, ruszyć się [(usually used in negative sentences) to move slightly; to make something or someone move slightly]
She pushed at the door, but it wouldn't budge.
to clutch - ściskać, trzymać kurczowo [to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain]
Clutching the money to his chest, he hurried to the bank.
to emerge - wyłaniać się [to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something; to become known, especially as a result of examining something or asking questions about it]
She emerged from the sea, blue with cold. No new evidence emerged during the investigation
dam - tama, zapora [a wall built across a river that stops the river's flow and collects the water]
The Aswan High Dam is on the River Nile in Egypt.
bonus - idiom
carry the can
If you carry the can for another person, you accept blame or take responsibility for something that goes wrong, even if it is not your fault or only partly.
The author didn't turn up for the interview and his agent had to carry the can.
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