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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

terse - zdawkowy [using few words, sometimes in a way that seems rude or unfriendly]
The President issued a terse statement denying the charges.
shortcoming - niedociągnięcie, wada [a fault or a failure to reach a particular standard]
Whatever his shortcomings as a husband, he was a good father to his children.
reciprocity - obopólność [behavior in which two people or groups of people give each other help and advantages]
We offer to all our trading partners a commitment to reciprocity and fairness.
fetid - cuchnący [formal; smelling extremely bad and stale]
People languish in fetid prisons around the world; those people seek asylum and safety.
torrential - ulewny [used to refer to very heavy rain]
Torrential rain helped to disperse the large crowd, estimated at 150,000.
to engulf - pochłaniać, ogarniać [to surround and cover something or someone completely]
The flames rapidly engulfed the house.
smut - świństwa, sprośności [magazines, books, pictures, films or jokes that offend some people because they relate to sex]
There's an awful lot of smut on television these days.
cog - koło zębate
Every member of the family is a vital cog in research.
picturesque - malowniczy [(especially of a place) attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way]
We strolled through the picturesque streets of the old city.
travesty - parodia [formal]
Langdale described the court ruling as a travesty of justice.
reprieve - odroczenie wykonania wyroku (też: chwilowa ulga) [an official order that stops or delays the punishment, especially by death, of a prisoner]
The injection provided a temporary reprieve from the pain.
duress - przymus [threats used to force a person to do something]
He claimed that he signed the confession under duress.
mugging - rabunek [an act of attacking someone and stealing their money]
Police are concerned that mugging is on the increase.
hereditary - dziedziczny
It is a hereditary title, so Mark Howard will become Sir Mark Howard on his father's death.
to sway - przekonać
He was swayed by what he read
bonus - idiom
bite someone's head off
If you bite someone's head off, you criticize them strongly (and perhaps unfairly).
I worked 10 hours a day all week and my boss bit my head off for not doing my share of the work!

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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

terse - zdawkowy [using few words, sometime...

źródło: comment_16043796667RpPkFvIOwdd4ymssQgqpX.jpg

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