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Gentlemen... Life is fucking hard I have no strength to live. I dont give a fuck about this life i dont give a fuck about anything. There will be a magician. There will be a magician in two years but before I jump out through the window I will tell formom not to worry, to do the same as I will. Thanks variacie, take care of yourself so that mom will not throw you out. Find some kind of a job, although it will be for 2 thousand but you know you need to because older one will throw you out from chalupa. Listen, I went to work forklifts previous year I got paid in a month for 193 hours of work 1820 but it didn't pay off, I'd do a bank heist, gentelmen we are making a bank heist fuck this life we are making a bank heist. I support you in life and a dude tells me in Tibia that he will fuck your mom, this is how life works whatever you'd say they will be fucking your mom anyway. I fucked up gentelmen i dont have strength to reply on tibia, fuck, I am glad you have "ignore" option in tibia, otherwise it would be a catastrophy, a man could hang himself, listen men you need to stay tough otherwise you will lose, you need to stay tough because you can crash easily or you will do a fucking heist job or you will fuck something up and you will get paid or you will become a singer or an actor and you will be paid then, or you will be a pornstar from brazzers then you will get paid too, but if you will be an Average Joe then all you will get is a dick up your ass. Remember these words you need to have a fucking motivation why you need to work like an simple, average joe to support your family, everyone does anything to relieve some stress and forget about problems but people are fucked in the head from this bottomed out low income life. I am drinking to fucking forget, I dont give a fuck about life, life doesn't pay off. I live for tibia because this game is stopping me from dying, i dont have nothing to go on, I didn't have a normal girlfriend, the only girlfriend i had it was when I was in gymnasiu before educational centre, we kissed once but there was no intercourse because it was during 1st year of gymnasium. Schooling from teachers, pathology, cussing, cutting forearms, pissing into peoples tea, once I even pissed into a dudes teacup and he drank it all because he didn't have a clue. Thats how life is, fucking life i dont give a fuck about life, there will be a day when I will drop a bomb on Hiroshima and I dont give a fuck. I dont have strength to live, i dont give a fuck about donations, about this life. There are billionaires, they dont share their wealth, they give cash to charity but they are virtue signalling, they are making fame off of it, there will be a magician in two years, I think there will be magician in two years but before I jump out through the window I will tell formom not to worry, to do the same as I will.
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