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Cześć. O jakie juniorskie stanowisko najpierw powinienem się ubiegać, aby kiedyś móc zostać Finance & Accounting Systems Support Specialist zgodnym z oferty poniżej?

Who are we looking for?

Very good knowledge of English
Experience in working with Oracle system or other ERP application
Understanding on how system activities influence the operation and how business activities affect the system
Very good analytical skills
Technical background or interest
Self driven and well organized

What will you do?

Support maintenance of internal tools and solutions (system transfers, batches uploads, raising issue tickets) in Oracle System R12
Test new system’s functionalities
Work closely with all Finance and Accounting teams, other supporters and developers
Identify areas for potential system improvements

Rozumiem, że doświadczenie w AP (m.in. księgowanie faktur, wprowadzanie zmian na zamówieniu w SAP) nie zalicza się tu jako "experience in working with ERP application"?

Najbardziej zależy mi na tym, gdzie mógłbym się nauczyć tych dwóch punktów:

Experience in working with Oracle system or other ERP application
Understanding on how system activities influence the operation and how business activities affect the system

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