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Jestem na etapie szukania nowego mieszkania, i zaciekawiło mnie bardzo tanie ogłoszenie nowoczesnego mieszkania. Napisałem wiadomość, czy nie ma literówki i jaki jest faktyczny koszt najmu.

Dzisiejsza odpowiedź:

Thanks for your email query regarding my apartment located in : Bialystok, ul.Kaczorowskiego
I am sorry but i do not speak polish. I lived all my life in United Kingdom. This apartment is inherited from my grand-parents who lived in Poland. Now the apartment is empty and i want to rent it.

My name is Allyson Rivven. I'm a research engineer for a pharmaceutical company .

The apartment is completely furnished with high quality furniture, all the necessary equipment and appliances. New fitted kitchen . The apartment is in excellent condition, very clean and well kept. You have full access to all building amenities, near you have public transportation, coffee's shops and other facilities. Pets are allowed.

The rent will be PLN 990 per month including all utilities (water, electricity, internet, cable ). The time period for the lease is negotiable - what ever suits you well. I am asking for a rental guarantee (kaution) equal with 2 months rent because as you can see in the pictures my apartment is finished to high standards. The rental guarantee will be refunded at the end of the contract in full.
If further interested, please give me some information about yourself (age, job, lifestyle or whatever you think makes you a good tenant).
Also please let me know how many people would be living on the property and exact date when you would like to move in.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you.
Allyson Rivven"

Legitne, co nie? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Czy warto brnąć w to oszustwo i potrollować trochę, od razu walnąć w spam czy gdzieś to zgłosić?

#bialystok #oszukujo
  • 11
Witam. Spotkałem się z tym też w toruniu wczoraj.
Pociągnąłem krok dalej dostałem taką odpowiedź:
Hi there,
Thank you for your prompt response and for your kind email. If you are still interested I agree to rent it to you. I promise you that you will love the place. You seem to be a nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems. I prefer to rent my