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Dla przypomnienia:
1) Po zapisaniu się na jakiś kurs jest on na koncie dożywotnio czyli do czasu usunięcia Udemy.com
2) Kupony mają ograniczenie czasowe i/lub ilościowe. Dotyczy to również "kursów darmowych bez kuponów" - w dowolnym momencie kursy te mogą stać się płatne. Chcesz mieć jakiś kurs, to zapisuj się jak najszybciej. Smęty typu "a teraz jest płatne" ignoruję. Widocznie byłeś/byłaś za wolny/wolna.
3) Tak, śpię. Czasem nawet za dużo!

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Zrobiłeś/zrobiłaś jakiś kurs? Oceń go w tagu #oceniamyudemy

Kursy darmowe z kuponami (-100%):

Melt & Pour Soap Making Home Business Starter Kit
Excel Conditional Formatting Basics - The built in Features
After Effects CC Masterclass: Beginner to Advanced
Assertiveness: You Can Speak Up for Yourself!
[Japanese In Context - Elementary Japanese Course](https://www.udemy.com/japanese-in-context/?couponCode=$0)
Complete CSS3 and Bootstrap Course: Beginning to Adanced
Building a Team from Scratch: Recruit, Hire, Onboard, & more
Project Management Fundamentals: Run projects effectively
Learn to build chatbots with IBM Watson
Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 2019 - Zero to Pro
Debt Free Personal Finance: Get Out of Debt With a Strategy
Revolutionary Course Creation Method - Beat Your Competition
Home For Sale By Owner - How I’ve saved 6 figures with FSBO
Generate Traffic: 3 in 1 Complete Course
How To Create A Killer Sales Funnel From Scratch
Space Explorer-Photo Composite Photo Manipulation Photoshop
Food Photography: Capturing Food in Your Kitchen
Kinetic Typography in After Effects: Motion Graphics Course
Touch Typing Correctly - Key Rollovers 120WPM
Complete Character Modeling & Rigging in Blender 3D Modeling
AWS MasterClass: Go Serverless with AWS Lambda & AWS Aurora
Managed NoSQL Database In The Cloud - Amazon AWS DynamoDB
Learn Front-End Web Development


C# Test Your Skills and Get Certified for Beginners
Huawei Certificate Network Associate - Video Conference

Kursy darmowe bez kuponów:

JUnit 5 tutorial for beginners
Learn Android Application Development
Javascript For Beginners
Learn Python Scripting - Scripting Masterclass 2019
Gain Success through Personal Branding - A Masterclass
The Complete Guide To Getting Social Media Marketing Clients
The Complete Instagram And Twitter Client Getting Guide
HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Landing Page with Modal Forms
Transform Your Anger Into Happiness! 2019
Ringba's Pay Per Call Masterclass
Project Management Interview Preparation - Get a Job as a PM
JavaScript Breakout Game from scratch with only JavaScript
Critical Thinking: How To Find Out What Really Works
Learn American English Online
Stylish Dynamic Web Forms with jQuery validation
Linux Operating System Fundamentals
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