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Tratteggio — a retouch invention that is a solution that enables the avoidance of hypothesis to replace the missing parts of the original.

A theory when retouch becomes a must in cases where the loss of the original substance is so extensive or disturbing that it makes it impossible to perceive the real nature of the artifact. At the same time retouch as an intervention should be easily recognizable to confirm its character of a factor of a potential unity. &Conservation-wiki

Proste kreski to podtyp Tratteggio: Rigatino.

Rigatino — An image reintegration method invented and developed in 1945- 50 in Istituto Centrale del Restauro and was inspired by the modern theory of conservation- restoration of Cesare Brandi. Tratteggio as well as its derivatives is a transposition of a representation to the system of vertical lines that, viewed from the distance, form the color (or pattern) that integrates the lacunae with the original. This kind of retouch rebuilds the image and makes it more legible being at the same time apparent and recognizable to the observer. The desired color should be achieved by putting successively the layers of delicate (rather than intensive) color vertical lines. &Conservation-wiki

Nie znalazłem polskiej definicji, ale słowo tratteggio jest używane w środowisku.

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Pobierz Deykun - Tratteggio — a retouch invention that is a solution that enables the avoidan...
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