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#motocykle #noze #knifemaking #knifeboners
Gość miał ubytek kości po wypadku na motocyklu to zrobił sobie z niej rękojeść do noża.

Doctors told him that he could never walk again. He walked away with a knife of his own, which was made from a piece of his leg bone ( femur). 15ni20 and 1095 damascus was handled with 2 larger bone fragments. Moreno Skvarča recovered completely and will have a little souvenir of his own. Etched text "življenje ni potica" in Slovenian means: "Life is not a piece of cake." I wish Moreno all the best and may I never have to handle his bones again. Moreno Skvarča
źródło: comment_J8hackhXTRXV1xj9OIjrYjV4XbyPgDV4.jpg
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