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#ufik78news #javascript #programowanie

00. Link - Major sites running unauthenticated JavaScript on their payment pages

01. Link - How to Write a Game in Under 13 Kb While Taking Care of a Baby

02. Link - Demystifying the Long Arrow "Operator"

03. Link - Securing the JS Ecosystem

04. Link - All you need to know about the Web Audio API

05. Link - Little known features of JavaScript

06. Video - Building a Simple Virtual DOM from Scratch - Jason Yu

Wołam: @tRNa, @Internatka, @Init0, @arba, @Internatka, @krzykrzy1995, @noarch, @stepniaczio, @Senthill, @Tszmiel, @olekjs, @InformacjaNieprawdziwaCCCLVIII, @Manaz, @pret0rian8, @CorpseBide, @BlazonedWalls, @Pendunate, @starship_avocado, @Eswemenasja, @shenlon

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00. Link - Major sites running una...
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