Wpis z mikrobloga

@Iterative: Hi, we are looking for Mikrosoft Dynamiks 356, 658 (or something like that) Developers, in fact any kind of CRM/ERP/ABC experience will do. It’s a slowly declining company and very boring, average Team. There are no challenges, no career paths, no clients, no projects and only old, complex, undocumented, untested code. The process is waterfall like, in fact, there is no process, it’s just this old PowerPoint architect who makes all the decisions and brags about his Pascal skills. There are no benefits, you have to work from office, long hours and you get shorter holidays. This one is in Sweden. If it sounds interesting, let us know. We are curious to know for whom it might sound interesting...contact@it3rative.com
PS. I didn't tell my colleagues that I will publish it, so if they don't know what you are referring to, tell that you are friend of Joda.
PS2. Be fast, because I guess tomorrow, after a good sleep I'll realise that this ad is stupid and delete it.#it3rative #iterative #pracait #programowanie #programista15k #rekrutacja
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