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Telstar 18 VANTAGE Booster (B1049.1) Returning to Port Canaveral

After launching Telstar 18 VANTAGE at 12:45am on 9/10/18, the Falcon 9 Block 5 first stage (B1049) returned to Port Canaveral aboard the SpaceX droneship, Of Course I Still Love You, about 58 hours later. This time lapse shows arrival at the port, up through the placement of the lifting cap to the interstage.

The last clip has some weird warping thing going on. The reason for this is that, with such a tight zoom, every tiny camera movement was exaggerated. Because of this, I applied a warp stabalizer in post. That stabalizer is what's causing it.

#spacex #barka #statki #ocisly #falcon #falcon9 #rakiety
anon-anon - Telstar 18 VANTAGE Booster (B1049.1) Returning to Port Canaveral
 After l...