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W komentarzu do wpisu @Brzytwa_Ockhama wkleiłem tylko cytat oficjalnego stanowiska szpitala odnośnie wyjazdu do Rzymu, który jest dość ważny w tej dyskusji - zero mojej opinii. Jednak widocznie przeszkadzał w szerzeniu propagandy.

'Why won’t you let him to go to Rome for treatment?'
'Three clinicians from Rome visited Alfie in September 2017, discussed his case with the team here and reviewed his notes. Following their detailed assessment, they agreed with the conclusions of the Alder Hey team that Alfie’s condition was effectively untreatable. Significantly, they noted that given Alfie’s epilepsy, there was a risk of him suffering further brain injury if he was transferred abroad.

They have offered to take him to their hospital but agree there is nothing they can do to help or improve his condition. Further invasive procedures have been suggested but these will not help him recover. Our clinicians are professionally obliged to always consider what is in a patient’s best interest. We do not believe that it is in Alfie’s best interests to go to Rome and be subjected to invasive and procedures when there is no hope of recovery or a cure.'
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