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Ukazał się artykuł, gdzie najważniejsze osoby pracujące przy Wieśku 3 podały swoje ulubione gry. Tymi osobami są:

Mateusz Piaskiewicz - Lead Level Designer
Kacper Niepokólczycki - Senior Environment Artist
Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz - #!$%@? Narrative Designer
Konrad Tomaszkiewicz - Game Director
Jakub Szamałek - #!$%@? Writer

Ich ulubione gry to kolejno: Kotor 1, Gothic 3, Diablo 2, Oblivion i Dragon Age 2.

Link: http://www.techradar.com/news/cd-projekt-reds-favorite-pc-games-of-all-time

Oczywiście żartuję sobie, tak to wygląda w rzeczywistości:

Mateusz Piaskiewicz - Lead Level Designer

Quake 1

Simple rooms at first, they later evolved into complex buildings full of meticulously placed enemies. Back then, the geometry/enemy combinations Quake allowed offered level designers an unlimited array of possibilities to challenge gamers.

Plus, the level of detail of the graphics made everything simpler — you didn’t have to focus on the artistic aspect of level design, it was pure gameplay. This is what made me want to make games professionally, and it’s what powers me as a designer today.

Nie ma co się dziwić, że level designer wybrał tak dobrą w tym aspekcie grę ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kacper Niepokólczycki - Senior Environment Artist

Metal Gear Solid

When I played it for the first time, I was around 14, but I still think about this game to this day. I watch walkthroughs of it even today.

I can easily say that this game has aged exceptionally well. Great music, phenomenal story with really unexpected twists, and visual art value — it’s all still there. The amount of details packed there is also crazy. The fight with Psycho Mantis, and his trick of "reading your mind" – that is crazy even after almost 19 years.

Tutaj chyba też nikt nie jest zaskoczony ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz - #!$%@? Narrative Designer

Gothic II

I would say that Gothic II is one of my all-time-favorites on PC — it's one of my first RPG games, and one of most the immersive RPGs I played.

I remember that I was very surprised how every NPC had their own place in the world; how they reacted to various player actions like entering their houses, taking their things, or even just unsheathing your weapon in front of them.

This, plus the right combination of immersive gameplay systems, made the world feel alive and believable — you wouldn’t just enter a UI-based crafting panel and craft a sword like you do nowadays, you would heat up the metal first, then form it on an anvil, then heat it in bucket of water, and later sharpen it on a grindstone.

When joining a faction or a guild, the world around you would also react to you in different ways. For example, if you get arrested, you could expected a guard to let you go since you’ve become a revered Fire Mage. Those are just a few examples of how Gothic handled things differently, which always inspired me to strive for crafting most immersive experiences possible.

Przytoczyłem wszystko, bo warto. Gothic stronk!

Jakub Szamałek - #!$%@? Writer

Jagged Alliance 2

But, if I’d really have to choose, I’d go with Jagged Alliance 2. Huge open world to explore, deep tactical combat with RPG elements, a well-told story – and, best of all, amazing character interactions!

I remember in particular how in one run I accidentally hired two recently divorced mercenaries who hated the guts out of each other and bickered the whole time, ruining the whole team’s morale – and eventually undermining the whole mission.

Even though the graphics have aged a tad, the game is still heaps of fun and I boot it up at least once a year. If you haven’t given it a try yet, I suggest you rectify your mistake right away!

Bardzo dobry wybór.

A teraz najważniejsze:

Konrad Tomaszkiewicz - Game Director

Ultima VII: The Black Gate

First of all, it’s very hard to pick one favorite game. There’s so many kinds of awesome games — I mean, can you seriously compare Diablo with Dune 2 or The Secret of Monkey Island?

That’s why I decided to pick one of the first games that made me want to work in the industry and develop RPGs — Ultima VII: The Black Gate.

A fully-fledged RPG, with a really good plot (for the time), a good character development system, and a gigantic open world that you could traverse on horseback (or magic carpet, if you’re a magic carpet person).

Other RPGs that come to mind are Eye of the Beholder and Might and Magic VII, but Ultima VII’s "Avatar! Know that Britannia has entered into a new age of enlightenment!" is something that has been etched in my memory in a unique way.

Ultima VII, a oprócz tego M&M VII i wspaniały dungeon crawler Eye of The Beholder. Widać znakomity gust konesera gier #crpg Mnie cieszy szczególnie wymienienie EoB

#rpg #wiedzmin3 #gry #gothic #rozrywka #ciekawostki
Pobierz Lisaros - Ukazał się artykuł, gdzie najważniejsze osoby pracujące przy Wieśku 3 podał...
źródło: comment_f3NkCAge8O8w43AodrE6HG1mTQLirwBc.jpg
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@Lisaros: A Mateusz Piaskiewicz nie przyszedł do CDP już po premierze Wieśka? On jest leadem teraz, ale bodaj przy Cyberpunku. W Treyarchu swoje przepracował nad CoD. .

BTW. Nagraliśmy z Mateuszem wywiad rzekę o jego pracy i życiu, więc jak chcecie posłuchać to serdecznie polecam. Naprawdę bardzo ciekawy, bo jego kariera zaczynała się jeszcze w tych pięknych czasach, kiedy Quake rządził sceną FPS. Wiecie, że Piotrem Iwanickim znają się jeszcze z
XsomX - @Lisaros: A Mateusz Piaskiewicz nie przyszedł do CDP już po premierze Wieśka?...
@Lisaros: No to pracownicy CDP, a nie "twórcy Wiedźmina".
Zresztą większość naszych gości nabija się z tego "gra twórców Wiedźmina", bo można to powiedzieć o dziesiątkach gier. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@XsomX: w artykule jest napisane:

That’s exactly what we did, with CD Projekt Red, the team behind the acclaimed Witcher III, taking time out of developing its eagerly awaited follow up CyberPunk 2077 to tell us about the PC games that helped inspire its staff.

Co można spokojnie zinterpretować jako zespół stojący za wieśkiem. Ja nie znam każdego twórcy i kto za czym stoi (z paroma wyjątkami), i nie muszę