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In what is probably going to be my favorite TL;DR ever written for a study, here goes:

Scientists developed a compound that targets aging cells and simultaneously induces a chain of events that causes the aging cells to explode themselves.

More scientific TL;DR (note that I could have some details wrong):

Scientists created a modified FOXO4 protein that competitively binds to p53. The modified version does not have the DNA-binding domain of the endogenous FOXO4 protein that causes up-regulation of p21 when bound to p53. Reduced expression of p21 allows Cdk1 to phosphorylate free p53 (at serine 15 if you're into it) which can trigger apoptosis thus killing the senescent cell.

A slightly longer TL;DR:

New cells are born and old cells die all the time. Sometimes old cells don't die when they're supposed to, they stop working but continue to live and produce toxic chemicals that can cause disease. Some think this may even be the cause* of aging.

They've found a way to target these old cells and trigger the natural death they were supposed to do automatically. It's not changing the cell life cycle so much as fixing a bug in the cycle, getting it to work the way it's supposed to.

So far it doesn't seem to have any side effects; if I understand it correctly, it really shouldn't promote cancer or anything like that. Except in the state of California.

*Edit: in response to many comments, I should have been clearer here. Researchers think it's one of the causes of aging. Aging is a complicated thing, and there are other factors contributing to it, so fixing this one thing isn't exactly going to cause immortality on its own. But it did make a huge difference in the mice that were treated, it had them looking and acting younger, so it's a start.

#redditquotes #angielski #longevity #selfhacking #reddit

i #programowanie ze względu na powiązanie tego sposobu z garbage collectorem
TamamShud - https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/63m2lx/oldmicemadeyoungagain...

źródło: comment_ECKqHJnKGtD8doAHfoeBmBfCScn3FurC.jpg
