In what is probably going to be my favorite TL;DR ever written for a study, here goes:

Scientists developed a compound that targets aging cells and simultaneously induces a chain of events that causes the aging cells to explode themselves.

More scientific TL;DR (note that I could have some details wrong):

Scientists created a modified FOXO4 protein that competitively binds to p53. The modified version does not have the DNA-binding domain
TamamShud -

źródło: comment_ECKqHJnKGtD8doAHfoeBmBfCScn3FurC.jpg

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It is as if nature "knows" not just if we are looking, but if we are planning to look.

Penrose developed this idea further with American physician Stuart Hameroff. In his 1994 book Shadows of the Mind, he suggested that the structures involved in this quantum cognition might be protein strands called microtubules. These are found in most of our cells, including the neurons in our brains. Penrose and Hameroff argue
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To muted laughter from the crowd, he explained: “To some degree, we are already a cyborg — you think of all the digital tools that you have — your phone, your computer.”

“The applications that you have. The fact that you can ask a question and instantly get an answer from Google and other things.”

“You already have a digital tertiary layer. Think of the limbic system – the animal brain
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Bill Gates could be the world's first trillionaire by 2042 - "A new Oxfam report on wealth and inequality, entitled "An economy for the 99%," finds super-rich people like Gates have seen their wealth collectively grow by huge margins over the last decade"

#redditquotes #reddit
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Obfitość materialna, mistrzostwo nad naturą, zaawansowana nauka nie będą końcem rozkwitu ludzkości, lecz tegoż początkiem

I think it's a little strange to assume that great abundance of material wealth, mastery over nature, and the advancement of science will lead to the end of human flourishing. It seems to me it will be the beginning of it.

#reddit #redditquotes
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