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Nikt ostatnio nie wrzucał, więc dodaję kolejną bramkę Super Mario, który swoją drogą zanotował najlepszy start w lidze od 2012 roku w którym to pojawił się Zlatan Ibrahimovic:

Warto też dodać, że Nicea pod wodzą Favre, która w lecie straciła trzy swoje filary(Mendy, Ben Arfa, Claude Puel) umocniła się na pozycji lidera Ligue 1 z 29 punktami po 11 kolejkach i 6 przewagi nad PSG oraz AS Monaco. Wysoka pozycja Nice nie jest tylko spowodowana niezłą formą Balotellego, ale też Alassana Pléa i Wylana Cypriena, a przede wszystkich rządów Favre, który ogarnął zespół i dał szansę sporej grupce mniej cenionych piłkarzy.

Krótki opis Nice stylu gry pod wodzą Luciana:

Lucien Farve would usually choose a 4-4-2 as his primary formation, but at Nice what can be seen is his choice to switch to a 3-5-1-1 which has been a huge success with big victories against Marseille 3-2 and Monaco 4-0. This would prove to be the best formation to get the best out of the current crop of players so far, with Dante using his experience to anchor the side. The 3 in central midfield have proven to be a success to cover any hole left over by Mendy. Dalbert and Periera or whoever else is rotated into this wide role are fundamental in Farves plans for quick transitions from the defensive phase to the attacking phase. This leads to an opposition being drawn in and then stretched. This leads to exciting fast paced and fluid counter attacking football from Nice, however they also have the ability especially with the 5 midfield and support striker to play possession football, so we currently are seeing the start of a highly flexible side from Farve. Pressing is a key part of this Nice side, which is often seen in numbers ensuring options are available as soon as a turnover in possession occurs, which shows how quick Nice are to turn from the defensive phase to the attacking. This requires high energy levels from the team, which has been worked on through the summer. With a lot of young blood in the team there's lots of young legs too, which helps to maintain these levels, also Farve is strict with rotation and rest ensuring players are constantly fresh.

#bojowkasupermario #nicea #ligue1 #favre
Pustulka - Nikt ostatnio nie wrzucał, więc dodaję kolejną bramkę Super Mario, który s...

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