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Choroba ukraińskich i neuropejskich trolli jak widać a-----e także partię demokratyczną w USA. Oprócz oskarżenia Trumpa o bycie "rosyjskim agentem", dostało się także Jill Stein z partii zielonych USA.
Obsesja jest bardzo mocna, ale co się dziwić -r------e to dzisiaj "czarny lud" dla świata zachodniego, na który można zrzucić wszystkie swoje problemy.

Bloomberg‘s Leonid Bershidsky noted that “Sanders’s long-ago ‘honeymoon’ in the Soviet Union is held up by his opponents as evidence of dubious judgment, and even Communist sympathies or anti-American tendencies.” During a CNN debate, Anderson Cooper began a question to him this way: “You honeymooned in the Soviet Union.”

On Saturday, it was Jill Stein’s turn in the Kremlin seat. As the Green Party candidate rises in the polls, it was only a matter of time before Democrats turned their Russia-smearing eyes toward her. One of the most widely-shared tweets of the weekend was this one from Andrew Weiss of the Carnegie Endowment: a total fabrication that was nonetheless heralded by dozens of Clinton-support journalists because it did the job of smearing a Hillary dissenter as a Russian tool:

This tweet is, to state it plainly, a lie. Stein simply did not “gush over Russian support for human rights.” To the contrary, in this very video, she criticized Russia for diverting scarce resources into military spending while its people suffered, and merely praised her fellow participants from around the world who attended an RT-sponsored conference. But no matter: Democratic operatives and journalists widely hailed it as proof that she, too, is some sort of Russia dupe or worse.

One Clinton-supporting blog – while also lying by claiming that “she only criticized the US” – attacked Stein for criticizing the U.S. while standing on dirty foreign soil (“with Red Square as her backdrop”), a long-standing trope used by the Far Right to attack liberals and Democrats for being unpatriotic by virtue of criticizing the U.S. while outside its borders. Commenting on that post, numerous Clinton supporters predictably denounced Stein as a traitor,[dopisek -o k---a co za ironia xD] saying “I don’t think it goes too far to suggest these are acts of sedition and possibly treason,” while the blogger himself dismissed objections over his “red-baiting” by saying “P---n is former KGB!” Journalists from major media outlets used all this to announce that P---n now has not one but (at least) two presidential candidates he controls:


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Mr. Greenwald… I do find all of the Russia bashing in the media quite amazing and appalling. As I have read in an article of yours, you also point out that there was a coup in Ukraine – which I wholeheartedly believe the US instigated and clearly supported. I find that if I put nationalism aside and simply think of the foreign policy of Russia and the United States – then I truly believe that the United States (along with the western world, in general) that are doing much worse things. Currently, as I believe Jeremy Scahill once pointed out, the United States is b-----g in 7 countries, covert operations in 75 countries, something around 1,000 military bases worldwide (which surround Russia/China/Iran etc.), have “tortured some folks”, routinely international law invading Iraq/Syria etc. (Article 2(4) of the UN Charter), are judge/jury/executioner with kill lists along with drone strikes weekly (I believe), and have people detained in Guantanamo Bay along with Abu Ghraib where many have been charged with nothing. Oh, and let us not forget the US hand in the creation of the very terrorists that the world is dealing with today by arming, training, and funding the Mujahideen in 1979, six months before the Afghan/Soviet War began, with $500 Million where they would go onto become Al Qaeda and the Taliban (ISIS being an off-shoot of Al Qaeda from within Iraq, I believe, after Hussein was overthrown).

Then we have Russia which annexed Crimea, which actually was Russia 61 years ago and has had a Russian military base for something like 300 years, where the Crimeans actually did want to rejoin Russia (this is supported by Pew Research Center, Gallup, and GFK polls). As for Eastern Ukraine, I am not sure exactly what they are doing there as there are conflicting reports from both sides but Moscow never overran Kiev, which it clearly could have done (if it was so intent on rebuilding the Soviet Empire). Then we have Russia in Syria, where they have a military base, and were asked by the Syrian Government itself
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