Wpis z mikrobloga

@brydrzysta: Jeszcze tu sporo ciekawych informacji ze skalami http://www.jverse.com/galleries/art-gallery/the-frozen-sky-photo-gallery-of-jupiter-europa-and-other-moons/ te bruzdy mają "sciany" o średniej wysokości 300-500 metrów.
This close-up view of Europa’s icy surface was obtained on December 20, 1996, by Galileo during its fourth orbit around Jupiter. The view is about 13 km by 18 km (8 miles by 11 miles) and has a resolution of 26 meters (28 yards). The sun illuminates the scene from the east (right).
Pobierz drgorasul - @brydrzysta: Jeszcze tu sporo ciekawych informacji ze skalami http://www....
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