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Będę bogaty ( ͜͡ʖ ͡€) #cebula #januszebiznesu #wygryw #dobrymurzyn

Dear FLAC ,

I am Barrister Michael Lawson a legal practitioner, I am the personal attorney to Mr. Dema Emil FLAC who was a contractor and businessman here in my country Togo. On the 1st October 2010, my client and his wife and their only son were involved in an auto crash and it was unfortunate that our deceased client and his family all lost their lives in that crash.

Do kindly contact me directly on my private email address below thus:

(b.micheallawson@gmail.com) for more details in respect for the claim of his Estate/Fund valued (USD$13,580,000.00) left behind before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the finance Firm.

Best Regards

Michael Lawson (Esq)

#!$%@? Attorney,

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