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Nie powinienem ale zgniłem z tego xD
#bekazrozowychpaskow #heheszki #logikarozowychpaskow #czarnyhumor
#bekazrozowychpaskow #heheszki #logikarozowychpaskow #czarnyhumor
![zagubionychromosom - Nie powinienem ale zgniłem z tego xD
#bekazrozowychpaskow #hehe...](https://wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/a574dd61e4b560d05d514886ccf585b39eb1a9c26827f2b585d3d227306d177d,w150h100.jpg)
thirtyseconds +28
Można kolekcjonować znaczki, ale znacznie fajniej kolekcjonować elektronikę.
#android #elektronika #pcmasterrace
#android #elektronika #pcmasterrace
![thirtyseconds - Można kolekcjonować znaczki, ale znacznie fajniej kolekcjonować elekt...](https://wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/eaed9430e5c2f5b3b4e8d95fe040351b53c51c5281736c6f6fc347a704d19144,w150.jpg?author=thirtyseconds&auth=b462a17878e811abbf998b82591d9b14)
źródło: 1000009108
"However, there is a more interesting story behind this. I immediately contacted Prof. Kunugita to ask the results of their studies. His response was immediate, mentioning the list of published studies from which he got the results. In fact, the results of analysis of 13 Japanese brands were presented in a table 1 in a recent review on carbonyls generated from e-cigarettes, published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
(..)Even in the worst-case Japanese product, e-cigarette aerosol contained 6 times lower formaldehyde levels compared to tobacco cigarette smoke. Where does the “10 times higher than smoking” statement comes from? I have no idea.(..)"
"Of course, discussion about the maximum levels of a single product is scientifically inappropriate. We should examine the average levels of formaldehyde present in e-cigarette aerosol. The Japanese team of researcher present in the table (shown above) the number of samples (column 2) and the respective results. The average levels of formaldehyde found in all samples was calculated at 4.2μg/10 puffs. Therefore, on average, the levels of formaldehyde in e-cigarettes are up to 50 times lower compared to tobacco cigarette smoke"
"Obviously, we have to realize that focusing the discussion on one of the tens of carcinogens present in tobacco cigarette smoke is misleading. Even if e-cigarettes contained similar, or higher, levels of formaldehyde, they do not contain the majority of other toxic and carcinogenic substances present in cigarette smoke. Overall, any residual risk from e-cigarette use is orders of magnitude lower than smoking. This is exactly what smokers need (and deserve) to know."
#epapieros #epapierosy #epalenie #wapujzwykopem #achtungformaldehyd
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