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@mycocaine: prędzej ja chce źródła twojego "kupione paczki zabierają " bo żadna firma nie zresetuje czegoś za co ludzie zapłacili i poza tym nic nie było mówione o resecie kart... bo po co?
@AnalTropper: @arsky: "If you are #!$%@? in the Hearthstone closed beta test, your progress will be reset. This includes your gold, experience and class levels gained through play, arcane dust quantities, cards unlocked through progression, and your medal ranking in Ranked Play mode. When you load up the game afterwards, it will be as if you were starting in Hearthstone as a new player."

źródło: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/11100276/hearthstone%E2%84%A2-update-account-wipe-incoming-9-26-2013