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#matura #angielski #matura2022

ile punktów mniej więcej by dostała moja praca czy bym dostał raczej dużo czy mało pkt (ang roz) ?

2. Bieganie stało się bardzo popularne wśród osób dbających o swoją kondycję. Napisz
artykuł, w którym omówisz przyczyny popularności tej formy aktywności fizycznej
i zrelacjonujesz ciekawą imprezę dla biegaczy, w której brałeś(-aś) udział.

Running has become a very popular activity amongst people that take care of their health and physical condition. But why running has become so popular amongst these people in the recent years?
First of all it promotes the regeneration of the body and production of new cells so the body ages slower and our skin appears more youthful and fresh. It also shapes the body and improves our posture which is beneficial for health but also improves your overall attractiveness.
The another reason why running has become more very popular is that while doing it you can meet new people that are also practicing this sport and make new friends and share your experiences, give yourselves some tips and share your methods of doing this sport.
About a week ago I was #!$%@? in a festival for runners in the center of warsaw .There were many stands with running equipement such as shoes,clothes,glasses,nutrition etc… . What caught my eye the most was the marathon organized by the governor of warsaw . The marathon was 20 km in total and the prize for the first place was a golden medal ,a whole basket of supplements,and free gym card for a year. I watched almost the entire marathon but sadly I didn’t know who won because I had to go home because I live far away and it was getting late.
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