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Ruska agencja informacyjna TASS opublikowała wczoraj komunikat ichniego ministerstwa obrony (treść poniżej) informując jakie ich zdaniem straty ponieśli w czasie ich "operacji specjalnej" Ukraińcy.

1. Z nieznanych mi powodów obecnie artykuł już nie istnieje, treść widoczną poniżej wygrzebałem z google cache.

2. Ruscy twierdzą że zniszczyli 2638 pojazdów bojowych (w tym czołgów). Ukraińcy twierdzą że zniszczyli 1008 czołgów i 2445 pojazdów opancerzonych (razem 3453). Więc ruscy twierdzą że zniszczyli mniej tego typu obiektów niż twierdzą Ukraińcy na temat strat kacapów.

3. Dodatkowo ruscy twierdzą że w jedną tylko noc (sama?) ruska artyleria wyeliminowała 21 stanowisk dowodzenia, 763 regiony gromadzenia siły ludzkiej o sprzętu, 107 stanowisk artylerii i wyeliminowano 280 "ukraińskich nacjonalistów". Co wydaje mi się (zupełny laik) bajkami i pobożnymi życzeniami.

Artykuł był opublikowany pod adresem: https://tass.com/defense/1445253

Russian forces destroy 634 drones, 2,638 armored vehicles in Ukraine operation — top brass

The Russian missile troops struck 13 Ukrainian military sites overnight

MOSCOW, April 29. /TASS/. Russian troops have eliminated 142 Ukrainian combat aircraft, 634 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2,638 tanks and other armored vehicles and 304 multiple rocket launchers since the start of their special military operation in Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said on Friday.

"Overall, the following targets have been destroyed since the start of the special military operation: 142 aircraft, 111 helicopters, 634 unmanned aerial vehicles, 278 surface-to-air missile systems, 2,638 tanks and other combat armored vehicles, 304 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,175 field artillery guns and mortars and 2,467 special military motor vehicles," the spokesman said.

The Russian Aerospace Forces struck 112 Ukrainian military sites overnight, including four missile/artillery arms depots in the settlements of Pokrovskoye and Gorokhovskoye, Konashenkov said.

"Operational-tactical and army aviation aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces struck 112 Ukrainian military sites overnight, including two command centers, 11 strongholds, 95 areas of amassed manpower and military equipment, and also four missile/artillery arms depots in the settlements of Pokrovskoye and Gorokhovskoye," the spokesman said.

Russia’s Aerospace Forces delivered a strike by precision weapons to destroy production facilities of the Artyom aerospace enterprise in Kiev, Konashenkov said.

"Long-range air-launched precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces eliminated production facilities of the Artyom aerospace enterprise in Kiev," he said.

Russian Kalibr sea-launched missiles eliminated three traction substations of the railways hubs in Fastov, Krasnosyolka and Polonnoye, Konashenkov added.

"Kalibr long-range sea-launched precision missiles wiped out three traction substations in the areas of the railway hubs in Fastov, Krasnosyolka and Polonnoye," the spokesman said.

The Russian troops delivered strikes by air-launched precision missiles to destroy ten Ukrainian military targets, including an ammunition depot near the community of Ilyichyovka, Konashenkov said.

"Air-launched precision missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces struck ten Ukrainian military facilities, including nine areas of the amassment of manpower and military equipment, and also an ammunition depot near the settlement of Ilyichyovka," the spokesman said.

Russian air defense systems shot down 13 Ukrainian drones and a shell of a Smerch multiple launch rocket system, Konashenkov said.

"Russian air defense systems eliminated 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the settlements of Redkodub, Shiykovka, Nevskoye, Malaya Kamyshevakha, Stepnoi Yar, Petrovskoye, Zelyonoye Pole, Bukovo, Panteleimonovka, Makeyevka and Chenobayevka, including a Bayraktar TB2 drone in the area of Novovodoyany at the Russian-Ukrainian border," the spokesman said.

Also, in the area of the community of Kamenka, the Russian air defense forces shot down a shell of a Ukrainian Smerch multiple launch rocket system, the general added.

The Russian missile troops struck 13 Ukrainian military sites overnight, Konashenkov said.

"The missile forces eliminated 13 Ukrainian military facilities overnight," he said.

In particular, in the area of the village of Gorokhovskoye in the Nikolayev Region, the Russian missile forces detected and eliminated a launcher together with the combat crew of a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile system that delivered a strike on Kherson residential quarters on April 28, the general said.

The Russian missile forces also struck six areas of amassed enemy manpower and military hardware, and also wiped out three artillery batteries of the Ukrainian army and a battalion of multiple launch rocket systems, Konashenkov said.

Russian artillery troops accomplished 975 fire tasks throughout the night, eliminating 21 command posts, 69 strongholds, 763 areas of the amassment of enemy manpower and military equipment, and also 107 artillery positions. The strikes eliminated over 280 Ukrainian nationalists and 38 armored and motor vehicles, the general said.

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