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Mirki z #uk #anglia odnosnie Tego Wpisu ciąg dalszy historii dla zainteresowanych.

Odkąd droga @Euthymol podała mi adresy email gdzie mam ich atakować wysłałem zapytania wszędzie, po czym po około dwóch dniach z każdej strony poproszono mnie o ponowne potwierdzenie danych (sic!). Następnie gdy je potwierdziłem dzisiaj (czyli równo miesiąc po wysłaniu prośby o kartę EHIC/GHIC) dostałem następującego maila. Tak więc walki ciąg dalszy, wyjazd za 1.5 tygodnia więc pewnie nie zdążą mi tego dosłać... Trudno na szczęście mam ubezp podróżne, a różowy dalej ma starą kartę ważną. Ku przestrodze dla tych, co mają odnawiać swoje karty aby zrobili to szybciej niż później jak ja...


Thank you for your call today. As discussed, here is the information we would need to process your new UK European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

We have been unable to confirm your entitlement to a UK EHIC and require further information to support your application.

EU settled or pre-settled status

We need evidence to confirm you have EU settled or pre-settled status in the UK. You may be able to provide this by using GOV.UK’s proof of immigration status page.

If you do not have EU settled or pre-settled status, please send evidence of your right to reside in the UK to nhsbsa.ehicapplicationsohs@nhsbsa.nhs.uk

This could be either:

your passport or national ID card from a country in the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein
a certificate of naturalisation, a permanent residence certificate or an Accession State Worker Registration Scheme certificate. If one of these is not available, you should provide evidence of the countries where you have lived and worked and evidence to support this. You should also document other nationalities you hold and which ones you have held from birth

If you are a dual UK/EU national, you should also confirm that:

you acquired British citizenship through naturalization
you were a citizen of an EU country, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein prior to also becoming a British citizen
you have retained your nationality of one of these countries

Proof of residency in the UK

We need to see proof of your residency in the UK. Send us any 2 of the following documents, which must be in your name:

a utility services bill (gas, electric, water, telephone, or home broadband) dated within the last 3 months
a Local Authority council tax demand notice or council tax reduction notice dated for the current financial year
a housing association, letting agency, council tenancy letter or rent agreement which is valid currently
a benefit award notice dated within the last 3 months
a letter from HMRC dated within the last 3 months

The documents you provide must be dated and clearly show your name. The address on the documents must match the address on your application.

If you cannot provide 2 of the documents listed, you can send us alternatives. If you are sending alternative evidence, you must send us 2 different types. Examples may include:

a mortgage statement dated within the last 3 months
a bank statement dated within the last 3 months
a letter from a hospital or doctor on headed paper dated within the last 3 months
You’ll need to tell us why you are sending alternative evidence, and the 2 documents must include your full name. If we're unable to accept the alternative documents, we'll contact you to let you know what you should do next.

Sending your evidence

You can send your evidence to us by taking a photo of it using your mobile phone or a digital camera, or by scanning your evidence. Send the photo or scanned image as an email attachment to nhsbsa.ehicapplicationsohs@nhsbsa.nhs.uk

If you are unable to send your evidence this way, please let us know by emailing us at the same address.

When sending evidence to support your application, make sure you clearly state:

your OHS reference number
your full name
your date of birth
your home address, including post code

Until we receive the documents we have requested, we will not be able to process your application.

If you added any dependants to your application, you will receive a separate email for each dependant advising you about their UK EHIC.

For general enquiries, you can use the Ask Us section of our website, visit our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.

You can also find out more about your data rights and how we use your information.

Kind regards,


Customer Contact Officer
  • 9

różowy dalej ma starą kartę ważną.

Stare karty EHIC już nie działają, wszystkie straciły ważność 31.12.2020, nawet jeśli nie upłynął termin ważności określony na samej karcie. Różowy też musi wyrobić New EHIC. Powodzenia w dalszych zmaganiach.
@chemik_kieszyk: hmm nie wedlug strony NHS?


If you have an existing EHIC
If you have an existing EHIC, it will remain valid until the expiry date on the card.

You can apply for a new card up to 6 months before your current card expires.
@adriano30: tak, ja też czytałam wszędzie do tej pory, że ze stare sa ważne do daty wygaśnięcia.

Współczuję, mnie też maglowali, co prawda nie chcieli Settled status, ale musiałam wysłać skany paszportu i utility bill, a jak wysłałam, to powiedzieli, ze wysłałam "secondary evidence" xD
No to sie pytam co jest "primary" i napisałam im naprawdę brzydkiego mejla xd i za 2 dni juz miałam karte

Spuszczają sie nad tym gorzej