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via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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Do słynnej listy Known issues dodali dziś:

Accolades - A few Accolades may reset from complete to uncomplete (Affected Accolades: In Quick Succession, Two Leaps Ahead, Drift Rehearsal, Drift Run, Peelieve in Yourself, Main Street, Wonder to Wonder, Taking the High Road, Double Time, Big Day Out, Talk of the Towns, Long Live the King, Highs and Lows, Sightseeing, Sunday Trip, Through Centuries, "Planes, Sculptures and Automobiles", Great Escape, Focused Racer, Thrill Seeker, Drifty Smash Smash, "Luck? Nah, it's all Skills", Baby Driving, Ultimate Road Warrior, Water Performance, Jay's Great Idea, Five a Day, Marathon, Keep the Show Off the Streets, Pick Your Next Adventure, Bridge to the Past, Wonder Dash, Throwing Shade, Outta My Way!, Catch Me If You Can, Survivor, Blue Blood, Shake It, Just Keep Speeding, Double Daredevil, Double Triple, Learn a Thing or Two, Two is Better than One, Lightning Strikes Twice) (Date Added:12.02.21)

Równie dobrze mogliby wpisać wszystkie xD bo pewnie i tak coś jest pominięte. Ciekawe co zrobią z osobami które na tym glitchu nabiły sobie punktów w hall od fame więcej niż jest możliwych do zdobycia bo powtarzają w kółko te same wyzwanie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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@kamdz: to masz farta ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) mnie przedwczoraj nic nie oszczędzili jak 3/4 playlisty zimowej mi zresetowało. Jedyne co mi zostawili to osiągnięcia xbox (,)