Wpis z mikrobloga

To szury teraz w The Lancet publikują?

People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatising parts of the population for their skin colour or religion. I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.


#koronawirus #covid19 "#nauka" #szury
  • 3
To jest list do redakcji a nie recenzowana praca.


Na podstawie takiego samego listu do redakcji Niedzielski wprowadzał "obostrzenia" i się tłumaczył że to "na podstawie renomowanej światowej prasy medycznej".
