Wpis z mikrobloga

#pracadomowa #angielski #pomocy

1.I didn’t read your mail.

He ........................ (read / I / mail)

2.Don’t touch anything!

He ......................... (I / not touch / anything)

3.You mustn’t smoke.

He .......................... (I / smoke)

4.Soldiers, fire at my command.

He .......................... (they / fire / he / command)

5.I must call the police.

He .......................... (call / police)

6.You may speak now.

He ............................ (I / speak)
  • 11
I think the most interesting and mysterious place I would like to visit is The Mariana Trench which is the deepest part of the world's oceans. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean, to the east of the Mariana Islands.