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Up until the green light goes on for the start of qualifying, the teams should be able to change the specification of their cars. Every team needs to be able to optimise its performance for each race meeting and some just don’t have the state of the art equipment to do that away from the track.

This requirement will lead to more spending on simulation tools that is hidden away from the event.

What the fans want to see, and I include myself in this, is cars going around the track, mistakes being made and drivers wrestling with those mistakes to get the best from their cars. Even now, it’s a bit too clinical.


Według mnie trafnie i to wchodzenie w zespół od każdej możliwej strony psuje trochę smak f1.

Raz, że wspomniana w artykule tajemniczość buduje ciekawość, a dwa pozwala nawet na starcia fanów o rozwiązania oraz ciekawostki wychodzące po latach.
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