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3 lipca w Spielbergu odbędzie się spotkanie w sprawie nowych silników, które wejdą od 2025 roku. Będą Källenius (Mercedes), Elkann (Ferrari), de Meo (Renault), Mateschitz (Red Bull), Blume (Porsche), Duesmann (Audi) oraz Todt, Domenicali i Brawn ze strony F1 i FIA.

artykuł z AMuS przetłumaczony przez deepl.com:

Bosses set engine future

Formula 1 wants to determine the Formula 1 engine of the future before the end of the year. On 3 July, there will be an elephant round with the big car bosses in Spielberg. In addition to the four Formula 1 manufacturers, the CEOs of Porsche and Audi will also be at the table.

It is an ambitious game with many pieces of the puzzle. The concept for the Formula 1 engine of the future is to be defined this year. It will then replace the current hybrid technology in 2025. The manufacturers represented in Formula 1 and those who might want to become one have been sitting at the negotiating table with their sporting directors for half a year now.

It is still about fundamental questions such as: How much should the engine cost? How high should the cost cap for manufacturers be? Which components should become standard parts, which not? What should the combustion engine look like? How large should the share of electrical energy be?

How much energy can be recuperated under the best circumstances? Do you need the MGU-H or not? Should the power be delivered to the front and rear axles or only to the rear? What is the total power you are aiming for? How big and heavy can the battery be so as not to increase the overall weight of the car even further and not to change the architecture of the car too much?

Dispute over cost cap

Only one parameter is already fixed. The combustion engine must run on CO2-neutral fuel. The basis will probably be the current V6. Anything else would cost too much money. As for the budget cap, Red Bull envisages 80 million dollars, whereby the material value of a drive unit should not exceed one million. At the moment it is two million.

"The price and the cost cap depend a lot on the technology of the drive unit," Ferrari warns. Like Red Bull, the Italians are among the price pushers. Others in the round think a budget cap of 120 million is more realistic. "Even with that, you could cover your costs," they say.

The negotiations that the FIA and Formula 1 have held with the sports chiefs so far have all followed the same pattern. In principle, everyone agrees. As soon as it gets into the details, mistrust determines the talks. Every proposal is examined to see if it is compatible with their own ideas. No one wants to give up an advantage to the competition.

Audi and Porsche also involved

Fritz Enzinger, sports coordinator of the VW Group, is now counting on the meeting of the car bosses. There is a better chance that they will agree on common targets. On 3 July, an elephant round will take place in Spielberg for the first time as part of the engine discussion.

The car bosses will meet next Saturday with FIA President Jean Todt and Formula 1 bosses Stefano Domenicali and Ross Brawn. Ola Källenius will be there for Mercedes, John Elkann for Ferrari, Luca de Meo for Renault and Dietrich Mateschitz for Red Bull. Audi boss Markus Duesmann and Porsche CEO Oliver Blume are also at the table.

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@Kalypsoo: Na Audi nie ma szans - oni idą w 100% w elektryki. Na Porsche jest nadzieja, jeśli F1 pójdzie w paliwa syntetyczne, ale chyba też będzie ciężko, bo Porsche jest już w Formule E i szykuje się do powrotu do WEC.
@TiDiEj: To raczej VW coś będzie nie pasowało. W 2015 podobno było blisko, ale dieselgate ostatecznie przesądził o wycofaniu większości aktywności w motorsporcie, a potem powchodzili do Formuły E.
@JC97: przy okazji wprowadzenia nowych bolidów na 2021 (teraz już 2022) miały być też zmiany w silnikach - głównie usunięcie MGU-H. Nie muszę chyba przypominać, komu się to nie spodobało bo "hurr wpakowaliśmy kasę durr"...