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Ciekawe czy jak taka typowa turczynka co nie lata w chuście dorwie swojego wymarzonego białego beciaka z Europy i chce za niego wyjść, to czy rodzina się krzywo patrzy bo niewierny albo każą mu się konwertować na islam. Czy jednak większość podchodzi do swojej religii tak jak Polacy, czyli biorą z religii to co im się podoba, a niewygodnych rzeczy po prostu nie przestrzegają ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)
#tureckiwykop #turcja #islam
  • 11
Turkey is not muslim or islamic country. There are muslim people but it doesn't mean that all is muslim. I have a lot of atheist or deist or idk in other religion friends. If you marry with a religious muslim ofc she can try to change u but if you will marry with a normal person, no one will change u xd also you can find non-muslim people everywhere and there are
@hansschrodinger: yes, it's true. young people generally more free and not religious. but it's not about only islam i think. it's same for every religion. government only wants to make people more religious cuz it's easy to control people with religion. People evaluate countries with their governments. If they have religious government then people think that country is religios but it's not like that and must be not like that. Our