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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to demur - sprzeciwiać się, wnosić obiekcję [formal; to express disagreement or refuse to do something]
The lawyer requested a break in the court case, but the judge demurred.
prickle - cierń, kolec [one of several thin, sharp points that stick out of a plant or animal]
The fruit can be eaten once the prickles have been removed.
selfsame - dokładnie ten sam [exactly the same]
His father had suffered from the selfsame disease.
to teem - lać [to rain heavily]
It's been teeming down all day.
to preen - muskać, czyścić piórka [(usually disapproving) to spend a lot of time making yourself look attractive and then admiring your appearance]
Will you stop preening yourself in front of the mirror?
to plummet - gwałtownie spadać [to fall suddenly and quickly from a high level or position]
Her spirits plummeted at the thought of meeting him again.
to squint - mrużyć oczy [to partly close your eyes in order to see more clearly]
The sun was shining straight in her eyes and made her squint.
pooch - psisko [informal; a dog]
For one thing, there's no conflict, unless you count the tension between a guy and his untrainable pooch
chastity - czystość, cnota [the state of not having sexual relationships or never having had sex]
As a monk, he took vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience.
divine - boski [connected with a god, or like a god]
Some fans seem to regard the players as divine beings.
bonus - idiom
cool one's heels
If you are left to cool your heels, someone keeps you waiting.
After rushing to be on time for my appointment, I was left to cool my heels in the waiting room for an hour.


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