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Podatek od wartości ziemi - idea w 2 minuty.
W języku angielskim.
Najistotniejszy fragment.

Why can’t LVT be passed on by the landowner to the tenant like every other tax?

1. The landowner is already charging as much as he can get.

2. A zero land tax rate on marginal sites prevents landlords attempting to pass it on. Cheaper sites are always available.

3. Competing unused and underused land will reduce the price of all land making it easier for tenants to re-locate to cheaper, less valuable sites.

4. A tax on land value does not reduce the supply of land or make land more difficult to hire. On the contrary, because it puts a heavy penalty on holding land out of use it increases the supply of land and reduce demands for increased rents.

5. Price is determined by competition, not the value of the site on which a product is made or sold. Merchants on prime sites paying top rents do not charge higher prices for goods than their competitors do because they pay higher ground rents. A kilo of sugar sells for the same price in Harrods as it does in a corner shop in Nether Wapping. If Harrods tries to increase the price, customers will simply buy elsewhere.

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  • 4
@augusto-mises: >There's a sense in which all taxes are antagonistic to free enterprise – and yet we need taxes. ...So the question is, which are the least bad taxes? In my opinion the least bad tax is the property tax on the unimproved value of land, the Henry George argument of many, many years ago...
Milton Friedman