Wpis z mikrobloga

Możesz przeczytać całego mojego bloga, zaimplementować wszystko w 100% i przejść na emeryturę za 5-7 lat. Jest to o wiele łatwiejsze niż marnowanie całego życia na torturę wyrywania się ze snu budzikiem, wymuszone śniadanie, dojazd 40 minut w jedną stronę, pracę od 9 do 17 i puste spojrzenie przeglądając wypok.pl na tagu # przegryw


You can read the whole blog, implement everything 100%, and be retired in 5-7 years. It’s way easier than this habit you have now, of missing out on every day’s joy of a leisurely breakfast that begins a yet another fantastic self-guided day.

going away after a rushed breakfast, being forced to drive every day, and coming home only as the sun is going down? Every day? WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THAT?? What do you do if you have kids??

And yet, millions of people do it every single day. These people, even as they whine that they cannot accomplish tiny things like riding a bike to the grocery store or living without cable TV, are actually doing something infinitely harder every day. They deserve to be congratulated, and reminded of their own accidental badassity.

But then they need to be punched in the face, in order to realize that if you can handle a full-time job, you can DEFINITELY and very easily handle every other suggestion that Mr. Money Mustache makes here on this blog. Compared to commuting daily to a 9-5 job, everything I suggest is a teeny tiny laughable mickey mouse effort.

#mrmoneymustachequotes #rozwojosobisty