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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to flummox - skołować, zbić z tropu [informal; to confuse someone so much that they do not know what to do]
I was flummoxed by her question.
gratuitous - nieuzasadniony, niepotrzebny [disapproving; (of something such as bad behavior) not necessary, or with no cause]
A lot of viewers complained that there was too much gratuitous s-x and violence in the film.
blemish - skaza [a mark that spoils the appearance of someone or something]
Is any politician's record without blemish on this issue?
incorrigible - niereformowalny [(disapproving or humorous) having bad habits that cannot be changed or improved]
Her husband is an incorrigible flirt.
hearth - palenisko (też: ognisko domowe) [the area around a fireplace or the area of floor in front of it]
A bright fire was burning in the hearth.
lavish - wystawny, rozrzutny [large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money]
They rebuilt the house on an even more lavish scale than before.
courtship - okres narzeczeństwa [old-fashioned or formal; the time when people have a romantic relationship with the intention of getting married]
They had a passionate courtship and a long, loving marriage.
abomination - abominacja [formal; a thing that causes disgust and hatred, or is considered extremely offensive]
Cruelty to animals is an abomination.
peninsula - półwysep [a long piece of land that sticks out from a larger area of land into the sea or into a lake]
The forms of life characteristic of India and the Malay peninsula come down to the island of Bali.
predator - drapieżnik [an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals]
Some animals have no natural predators.
bonus - idiom
change of heart
If someone has achange of heart, they change their attitude or feelings, especially towards greater friendliness or cooperation.
He was against charity, but he had a change of heart when he saw the plight of the homeless.


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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to flum...

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