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Teleportacja kwantowa na odległość 44 km.

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Fizykom z Fermilabu i kilku innych ośrodków badawczych w USA udało się teleportować przy pomocy włókien światłowodowych kubity z fotonów na odległość 44 km. Jest to znaczący krok w drodze do budowy kwantowego internetu.

P.S. Kilka ciekawych fragmentów komentarzy z reddita dotyczących samego pojęcia teleportacji kwantowej:


The idea is to transfer a specific (but not known) state to a remote location by first sending a dummy state and then some classical information that recreates the proper state.

The teleportation part is that the state itself doesn't transit between the source and target location. Only information can be interpreted as teleported, not matter; it's not the Star Trek version.


It'd be very easy to send a message that says "Hey Alice, please prepare a state like (0.971 + 0.1 i)|0> + (0.0972 - 0.1942 i)|1>, love, Bob", but if you only have a single unknown state in your hands you can't measure it to find out the coefficients of |0> and |1> because measurement is inherently destructive. Quantum teleportation is a trick to send this unknown state without having to measure it and characterize it completely.

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FakeR - Teleportacja kwantowa na odległość 44 km.

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Fizykom z F...

źródło: comment_1609742989OhOlRwvgFJPzgG4x6Jp4gh.jpg

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