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Ostatnio znalazłem ciekawą obszerną analizę #evangelion więc podzielę się linkiem i pierwszym rozdziałem.
Obecnie jest 20 takich części.

https://insomniacowl.tumblr.com/tagged/Evangelion (trzeba przewinąć na dół strony do pierwszych wpisów)

Neon Genesis Evangelion review Introduction and Chapter 1


The whole point I made this Tumblr was to bring all of my works scattered across different websites and in different languages together. This series is something I wrote between 2013 to 2015. Why I am starting with the translation of Neon Genesis Evangelion in 2020 is due to its ease of access now as it is on Netflix, and as we are reaching the long-awaited end with the final movie.

From here on is the direct translation of what I wrote back then, so there will be times when what I say might be outdated or not make sense out of that temporal context. While they add a layer of interpretation required, I chose to keep them in as it serves their purposes as integral parts of this analysis. However, in such cases, I will make sure to add comments along the way to aid the reader’s understanding.

Lines at the end of paragraphs demarcated with * are note added in during this translation

Neon Genesis Evangelion review Chapter 1: What are we attempting to do here

The materials used in this analysis are

1) Original TV series, Death and rebirth, End of Evangelion, and related scripts and storyboards

2) Anno Hideaki and key production staffs’ interviews, including producer commentaries in DVD

3) Officially released materials that serve as guides to the story

4) Related games and materials-related

5) Official manga

For materials from categories 4 and 5, if it contradicts the information from 1 to 3, the information in the latter will supersedes the formal. All information sourced from outside of this list will carry with it a footnote.

The flow of this series of analysis will first focus on analyzing the primary material and slowly transition towards the meanings that are hidden under the surface. I will also touch on personal, and community opinions on the series.

*Since the primary language and the audience it was written for was Korean, the community opinions and theories are skewed towards theirs’s and those from Japanese forums at that time.

#anime #animedyskusja #mangowpis #nge
QoTheGreat - Ostatnio znalazłem ciekawą obszerną analizę #evangelion więc podzielę si...

źródło: comment_1605548281dJk9uJ65yLu0ejRa8uicyA.jpg

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The general point of view I will be taking in writing this review, is like this line art from Picasso. That is to not think of the intentions of the creator at first glance and to just enjoy the piece of art as it is for a while.

However, I do not mean this to imply that I will be completely ignoring those intentions, symbolisms, and metaphors written into the story. It
QoTheGreat - The general point of view I will be taking in writing this review, is li...

źródło: comment_16055485802esfdV7BmGKDWueaW5Kruw.jpg

Reason to why I am making this analysis, even though I am not a fan of nit-picking a piece of media, is to address the increasing support being given to the narratives such as “Anno didn’t intend to say anything!”, “It’s just something to troll the Otakus!”, “The final two episodes of the TVA is due to budget cuts”, and so on. My view is that such viewpoints arise from the lack
QoTheGreat - Reason to why I am making this analysis, even though I am not a fan of n...

źródło: comment_1605548614sBcyygqYevizDPJnmL0LwU.jpg

Of course, there is still a possibility that we do not have a full understanding of the series yet. And I believe that we have not, and perhaps there are missing links the director has written into the series deliberately.

Even so, attempting to understand a piece of art is worth the effort no matter what. Because that is what makes us humans. Humans are capable of loving others, this is one