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@Sanay: poczytaj. Tl;dr

White men who created the United states were the smartest men who ever lived.

If there is a dispute and its not resolved by the 8th, the house of representative will be split, one elector per state. A state like commiefornia with 45M people gets as many votes as a state with 800.000 people.

Rep. electors are obligated to vote for a reb and dem for a dem.
A state like commiefornia with 45M people gets as many votes as a state with 800.000 people.

@Student_AWAS: Ale ty zdajesz sobie sprawę że ta commiefornia jest najbogatsza? Coś dobrze tym komunistom idzie na wolnym rynku :D

Będzie wojna domowa 2: Electric Boogaloo, albo w ogóle secesja i programiści-komuniści MIlion_K z Kalifornii zostawią Rednecków w spokoju żeby sami sobie radzili.