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According to The Daily Telegraph he has been described as the Jeffrey Archer of the art world, a purveyor of "badly conceived soft porn", and a painter of "dim erotica". According to Vanity Fair, critics say Jack Vettriano paints brainless erotica. Sandy Moffat, head of drawing and painting at Glasgow School of Art, said: "He can’t paint, he just colours in." The Guardian's art critic Jonathan Jones, described Vettriano’s paintings as a
panidoktorodarszeniku - > According to The Daily Telegraph he has been described as t...

źródło: comment_1603543160JnEIM8HdYJTZ5f7mjWXY4u.jpg

@pani_doktor_od_arszeniku: Dziękuję. Fakt, że ma sporo obrazów w okolicach erotyki, ale bez przesady. Warsztat ma przyzwoity, jak ktoś chce np. obrazu pod klimat zadymionego pubu i szklanki whiskey, to Vettriano jest akurat.
A że rozwija sklep i marketing, to chyba tylko zblazowani eksperci mogą mieć za złe. Pewnie tak jak każdy jest fanem nieumierania z głodu.