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Znalazłem ciekawy artykuł naukowy na temat #borelioza z lutego 2020. Wklejam wnioski i fragmenty.


1. Borelioza jest w stanie przetrwać antybiotykoterapię

B. burgdorferi can evade the immune system response (15, 16) and multiple studies have shown that the bacteria is capable of persisting in diverse tissues across a variety of animal models despite aggressive and prolonged antibiotic therapy

2. Wielu chorych nie zdrowieje będąc leczonymi wg standardowych wytycznych

While many patients recover fully with early antibiotic therapy, at least 10–20% of patients experience persistent symptoms following the conventionally recommended course of 2–4 weeks of antibiotics (11, 12), and a recent retrospective analysis documented 63% of patients experienced persistent symptoms after receiving antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease (13).

3. Borelioza może zmieniać stany i tworzyć biofilmy

it has been shown that B. burgdorferi can change morphology and form biofilm-like microcolonies consisting of stationary phase persister bacteria (29–31). Traditional antibiotics have poor activity against the atypical persister forms (round bodies, microcolonies, and biofilm)

4. Ziółeczka okazały się działać przeciwko borelce lepiej od doxyklinki i cefriaxone in vitro

At 0.5% concentration, 11 natural product extracts (Polygonum cuspidatum 60% EE, Cryptolepis sanguinolenta 60% EE, Artemisia annua 90% EE, Juglans nigra 30–60% EE, Uncaria tomentosa WE, Artemisia annua 60% EE, Polygonum cuspidatum 90% EE, Scutellaria baicalensis) still exhibited stronger activity than the current clinically used doxycycline and cefuroxime

12 commonly used botanical medicines and three other natural antimicrobial agents for potential anti-Borrelia burgdorferi activity in vitro. Among them, 7 natural product extracts at 1% were found to have good activity against the stationary phase B. burgdorferi culture compared to the control antibiotics doxycycline and cefuroxime.

5. Ziółeczko Cryptolepss był w stanie dokonać cąłkowitej erradykacji borelki in vitro, czego doxycyklinka i cefriaxone nie dały rady

In subculture studies, only 1% Cryptolepis sanguinolenta extract caused complete eradication, while doxycycline and cefuroxime and other active herbs could not eradicate B. burgdorferi stationary phase cells as many spirochetes were visible after 21-day subculture.

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