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Japan's air force faces a 'relentless' burden, imposed by China

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More than twice a day, Japanese fighter pilots hear a siren blare, bolt up from their ready-room seats, run to their jets, and scream aloft, ready to intercept a potentially unidentified incursion into Japanese airspace.

It happened to Japan's Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) 947 times in the last fiscal year ending in March. The culprit in most of those cases, warplanes from China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).

Nawet rozróżniają ADIZ od rzecywistej przestrzeni powietrznej danego kraju, o czym sam wspomniałem pod jednym artykułem na wykopie, to zostałem zaminusowany przez niekumatych.

The Chinese flights don't violate international law. Of the 675 times Japan's fighters scrambled after Chinese planes in the last fiscal year, not once did the Chinese aircraft fly within the internationally recognized 12-mile territorial limit, according to the Japanese Defense Ministry.

Still, Japan says Chinese planes often intrude into its Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), which can vary in size depending upon location.

The US Federal Aviation Administration defines an ADIZ as "a designated area of airspace over land or water within which a country requires the immediate and positive identification, location, and air traffic control of aircraft in the interest of the country's national security."

In a commentary last year written for The Interpreter blog from Australia's Lowy Institute, Layton detailed just how far the Chinese flights stretch the JASDF, and how China has the resources to push Japan to limits it may not be able to reach.

"The JASDF's fleet of some 215 F-15J aircraft bears the brunt of scramble tasking," he wrote.

"Since 2016, the JASDF have often launched four aircraft for each scramble.

"These daily scrambles are gradually wearing the F-15J fleet out. The concern is that China has some six times more fighters then the JASDF, and could further ramp up intrusions whenever it considers appropriate. The in-service life of Japan's F-15J fleet is now almost a decision that lies with China," Layton said.
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@Transhumanista: dlaczego nie wspomniałeś, że to samo robią rosyjskie samoloty? Prawie co roku dwa bombowce TU-95 przelatują przez kilka minut przez japońskie terytorium.

In fiscal year 2018, the defense ministry counted 999 such incidents, the second-highest total since the country began scrambling aircraft in 1958. Within that fiscal year, Japanese pilots flew 343 sorties to intercept Russian aircraft, a 12% drop from 390 flown the previous fiscal year, the ministry said.
A masz coś na potwierdzenie, że Rosja wlatuje co roku w japońskie terytorium? Bo obawiam się, że widzę, że nawet mając artykuł przed sobą który tłumaczy co jest terytorium danego kraju, to piszecie o wlocie w japońskie terytorium. To podkreślę jeszcze raz ADIZ to nie jest terytorium japońskie, ani chińskie, ani rosyjskie, ani amerykańskie itp. - ADIZ to strefa identyfikacji powietrznej

Więc o ile Rosjanie nie wlecieli w strefę 12
@Transhumanista: A przepraszam, Rosjanie wlatują co dwa lata, a co roku przelatują kilkaset razy w ADIZ i prawie na granicy 12 mil morskich.

Na szybko w google i tutaj masz np z zeszłego roku.

The red line on the map shows the flight path of two Russian Tupolev Tu-95 bombers aircrafts, marking both points of entry into Japanese airspace, June 20, 2019. JAPAN MINISTRY OF DEFENSE

The two missile-platform and
Pobierz ama-japan - @Transhumanista: A przepraszam, Rosjanie wlatują co dwa lata, a co roku p...
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