Wpis z mikrobloga

- Good morning, Galak Pizza here
- Greg, you ordered something?
- No
- What surname is on the receipt?
- Yyy...oh fuck, I'm busted...think Michael, think for fuck's sake...popular human surname...Cunt
- Hold on...damn it Greg, you've told me you're not drinking anymore but there is your surname on the receipt
- I swear, I dont remember ordering
- Greg, you've let me down. We're over
- Very well, twenty fucking years of drudgery, finally I can do whatever I want to
- Gregory, nooo!
- Too late
- Gregory! Greg! What have you done!?
- Folks, the pie is getting cold
- Dude fuck off, a man died here. Greg...oh god

#kapitanbomba #captainbomb #heheszki
BorysKafarov - - Good morning, Galak Pizza here
- Greg, you ordered something?
- No...

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