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“But I’m saying I’m leaving the garage and feeling different,” he said. “What’s the difference in 400m [before T1] I can make to the tyres?

“The tyres… you can get them in a better operating window, or worse, but in a certain point you have them, like in Mexico. In qualifying I turned into first three corners with much lower speed and the car keeps going straight.

“Then [on] Sunday I leave the garage and the balance was completely different. [The] engineers on the lap to the grid they tell me ‘the car is completely different’ and I’m [saying] ‘yeah it feels different’.

“I understand your [the media’s] point [that] the tyres have a big effect, but when you leave the garage, you go straight, the first two corners, the tyres are in more or less same shape... as unless you change your tyre blankets, temperatures, pressures… if they are the same there’s no way the tyre can have an effect unless you changed them.


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