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Moral realism, the view that there are moral facts that are independent of our beliefs about them, has many defenders. But much less has been said about realism concerning other sorts of value. One of these, gastronomic realism is likely to seem implausible on its face. This paper argues, however, that much of the reasoning used to defend moral realism is about as well suited for defending gastronomic realism. Although these considerations do not directly undermine moral realism, they do suggest that the two views should stand or fall together.

Link do artykułu: https://www.uvm.edu/~dloeb/GR.pdf

Dla zachęty do przeczytania powiem dodatkowo, że artykuł jest dosyć zabawny w swojej formie (na pewno jeden z najzabawniejszych w tematyce filozoficznej z jakimi miałem styczność) ;]

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