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Ewan McGregor zajebiście reklamuje "Birds of Prey / Ptaki Nocy"

‘Birds Of Prey’ Will Take A ‘True Look’ At Misogyny

“What interested me with Birds of Prey is that it’s a feminist film. It is very finely written, it is in the script a true look on the misogyny.

No, mnie też to bardzo interesuje.

And I think we (the men) need that, we need to be more aware of how we behave with the opposite sex. We need to be taught to change.

Oj tak, potrzebuję filmu o grupie świrusek. Nie mogę się doczekać tej nauki, jaką film mi przekaże.

The misogynists in the movies are often extreme: they are raping, they beat women… And it’s legitimate to represent people like that, because they exist and they are obviously the worst.

Zdecydowanie. Przerysowania nie są mi obce, myślę, że dzięki temu zabiegowi nauka jaką wyciągnę z filmu będzie bla bla bla

But in the dialogues of Birds of Prey, there is always an allusion to everyday misogyny, to those things that we say as a man we do not even realize, to mansplaining… All this is in the script in a very subtle way. I found that brilliant.”

Super, bez aluzji i przykładów mógłbym się pogubić w przekazie. Nienawidzę siebie za moje mainsplainigowe odruchy.

I say this, because it's been decades since I quit drinking. You talk and think shit like this, when you're sober 24/7 and must suck a dick of every leftist boss just to stay in bussiness.

W każdym razie, dzięki Efan za reklamę. Jest super, ty też jesteś super.


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