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Maison Francis Kurkdjian
Oud Satin Mood EDP

Wykorzystując hajp na Roje i otwarte "zamówienia" może uda się rozebrać jeszcze tego koksa :)

Nie dajcie się zwieść nazwie, to nie oudowy zapach.

This perfume is heavenly and joyful. It smells like sweet delicious roses with vanilla. You can definetely smell the high quality ingredients. Very elegant. Oud Satin Mood lasts very long on my skin (13-16 hours), on clothes even more and sillage is very heavy. 1-2 sprays are enough.

This is so beautiful. After I first sniffed it I couldn't stop thinking of it. Now I have a 10 ml decant, but I know that I one day have to buy more.

It's sweet but not in a childish way, it's flowery, but not in a romantic way...there's a little hint of oud, but just to make it interesting, not heavy.
The smell of burned sugar and delicate roses makes me wanna eat my self...
I love it!

Do rozlania min. 150 ml po około 8.5/ml

Trzymam kciuki bo już próbowałem ten sok przelać przez moje strzykawki kilka miesięcy temu ale nie pykło.

boa_dupczyciel - #rozbiorka

Maison Francis Kurkdjian
Oud Satin Mood EDP


źródło: comment_HBRduQSd4wx8Cs7FACsIPQoQxOrJoKzh.jpg

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