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#ufik78news #javascript #programowanie

00. Link - 7 Alternatives to the HTML Tag

01. Link - For vs forEach() vs for/in vs for/of in JavaScript

02. Link - We migrated to Next.js to serve our home page 7.5× faster

03. Link - Faster calls with arguments mismatch

04. Link - I ruin developers’ lives with my code reviews and I'm sorry

05. Link - We Need Chrome No More

06. Link - How I Made My Blog Blazing Fast

07. Link - 12 strange things that can happen after installing an NPM package

08. Link - 21 ways to optimise your CSS and speed up your site

09. Link - The Dark Side of the Grid (Part 1)

10. Link - Advanced JavaScript Logging Using console.group()

11. Link - Node.js task runners: Are they right for you?

12. Link - Write down a command-line to see the help text that matches each argument

13. Link - Redis Turns 10 – How it started with a single post on Hacker News

14. Link - 38% of bugs at Airbnb could have been prevented by TypeScript according to postmortem analysis

15. Link - Top ten most popular docker images each contain at least 30 vulnerabilities

Wołam: @tRNa, @Internatka, @Init0, @arba, @Internatka, @krzykrzy1995, @noarch, @stepniaczio, @Senthill, @Tszmiel, @olekjs, @InformacjaNieprawdziwaCCCLVIII, @Manaz, @pret0rian8, @CorpseBide, @BlazonedWalls, @Pendunate, @starship_avocado, @Eswemenasja, @shenlon, @koperrr, @trevoz, @Shokata, @player-c64, @IzraelJuzNieFrunie, @safuka, @teekop, @zlodziejb, @rany_boskie777, @MuchaJusia
ufik78 - #ufik78news #javascript #programowanie

00. Link - 7 Alternatives to the  ...

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