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Gitara: struna brzęczy przy puszczaniu - granie jednej nuty

Zostawiam aby pozycjonowało się w Google, bo w internetach jest 1000 rozwiązań na brzęczące struny, ale dotyczą tylko nierównych progów, akcji strun, gryfu, ale nie samej techniki początkującego. Tak samo z tłumieniem strun: wszystkie techniki tłumienia pozostałych strun, ale nie tej jednej gdy dźwięk ma się zakończyć.

It's technique. As you've noticed, the slower you lift your finger, the more it buzzes. So the answer is - lift quicker!

You need to lift the string quickly off the fret, but keep touching the string - don't let your finger off the string. If you need to lift your finger off the string - to move to another note - do it slowly and/or carefully.

This may slow you down for the moment, but it's an essential technique to develop.

Experiment with controlling how the string comes off the fret - just squeezing it down and letting it up, but never taking your finger off. This is refining your fret muting technique, as well as fixing that buzz.

Also, keep your finger as close behind the fretwire as you can. The further back your finger is (towards the fret below) the more the string will buzz on releasing.

When lifting the finger off the string, do it gently and straight up. Don't move it sideways, or you risk an inadvertent pull-off. Never let the fingertips move too far away from the string either- they need to be ready for whatever the next note is.

These are very subtle little moves, but worth thinking about to begin with. Your hands will eventually learn to do it without you thinking about it. Experienced players do this all the time subconsciously - which is why they ofen forget to tell you about it when teaching!


#naukagrynagitarze #gitara

taguje także #rocksmith #rocksmith2014 aby pamiętać o tym, żeby grać poza grą ;)
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